Author: westmichigananarchistfederation
Anarchism FAQ Zine
The organization is based on the following fundamental criteria:
The AF is a decentralized organization made up of individual members who form into groups based on location. We have no leaders or central decision-making body and the direction of the organization is decided upon by its members. Members come together regularly to develop theory, strategy and tactics through debate and discussion, aiming for participation of all members in deci- sion-making such that effective consensus can be reached. Most decisions are made at Federal Delegate Meetings. Those who cannot attend these meetings can mandate any other member to act as their delegate to bring their positions to these meetings to ensure that their opinion is included.
Political Unity
The AF is based on a common set of aims and principles, with its structure detailed in the membership handbook. Before joining, a potential member must agree with the outlined aims and principles of the organization. In addition, we may adopt policies and analyses that are the result of discussion and elaboration by all the members. As these will be developed collectively, it is expected that they will reflect the views of the whole organization.
Members may propose changes to these structures, but it must be the result of a genuine change of view emerging from new ideas and experiences since their joining the organization. When an individual joins, it is expected that they join as a result of genuine agreement with the political and organizational principles of the AF. As membership is sponsored by a group or regional secretary it is their responsibility to ensure that new members fully understand these documents.
Tactical Unity
The AF seeks to act in a co-ordinated way, developing strategies and tactics through discussion and debate which members are expected to implement where appropriate.
Collective Responsibility and Solidarity
Members must not act so as to undermine the federation but instead must seek to support the federation in practice and show solidarity for other members.
Free Association and Autonomy
The individual does not subsume their identity into the collective. A member is one who has chosen to associate with others and retains their autonomy. If a member or group does not agree with policies, strategies or tactics adopted by the federation once they have become members, then they do not have to implement these decisions and may express their disagreement.
The WMAF has a number of vital roles to perform. In order to reach our goal we must:
Support resistance against capitalism, state, and other oppression where it exists, and attempt to spark it where
it does not. -
Produce information and analysis against capitalist society and argue the case for anarchist communism.
Be the memory of the working class by making the lessons of past gains and defeats widely known.
Be a forum for debate and discussion between all elements of the revolutionary working class.
Work to understand the developments in our society and deliver a coherent communist response to them.
Seek to win the leadership of ideas within the working class. Intervene and co-ordinate our actions in the workplace and the community.
Work to build a global anarchist movement as part of the International of Anarchist Federations.
What We Want
The AF works for the creation of an international libertarian communist movement. We believe this movement cannot be created without building a specific anarchist communist organization. We believe that for social revolution to be successful it will require the activity of this revolutionary organization as a part of the working class, while rejecting any idea that it acts as a self-appointed leader.
What We Do
While being a member of the AF should not take over our entire lives, and personal circumstances make different levels of activity possible for different people, we are not a passive fan club for anarchy. It is hoped that all members will contribute in some way both to the development of our ideas and to our activities, both locally and throughout the federation, as and when they are able.
West Michigan Anarchist Federation: Decision Making
The WMAF has a similar decision making process to that of the European Anarchist Federation, though we have reworked it to reflect our structure and size.
General Decision Making
Due to the size & membership of the WMAF all decision making is conducted within internal meetings. We will typically reach a consensus through discussion though we will officially come to agreement through a vote of members.
If a proposal is called to vote then the exact wording is clarified by the facilitator and final positions in favor or against are tallied. If over one third of these votes are against the proposal then it fails at this time, otherwise it passes (though is subject to ratification). Abstentions do not factor into this result however all positions are minuted.
On occasion a vote will be called to decide between two different outcomes to the same issue. The facilitator will clarify the wording and tally the votes for each proposed outcome separately before taking votes. Any option which has over one third of votes against (not including abstentions) fails. If any versions still in the running, the one with the most votes in favour (or when tied the fewest votes against) will be the version which passes. If they are still deadlocked and accommodation cannot be reached through discussion then a further call to vote by simple majority vote between the options can be made. If this still fails to give a decision then the proposals require further discussion throughout the federation and fail at this time.
Action Points
When a proposal is passed by an WMAF it is expected that those at the WMAF will agree upon a set of action points that will be undertaken. These are the activities that members volunteer to take on to enact the proposal. These will be added to the minutes and considered part of the decision that is to be ratified.
Action points will be logged and monitored by the facilitator, who will provide an open record of any decisions relevant to the federation and any action points still outstanding on the internal forums.
For an anarchist organization to remain non-hierarchical and non-authoritarian it is essential that roles and responsibilities are distributed evenly. For federation-wide officer roles, we operate a formal structure of delegation and direct democracy with recallable delegates, meaning that if someone is not fulfilling responsibilities they can have those tasks passed on to someone else in a non-judgmental and supportive way for the good of the organization. Many roles are informal and temporary, however, and it is hoped that members will also fulfill these as best they can and in an accountable way. One of the key ways to support the organization is to anticipate something that needs doing and take some responsibility for seeing that it is addressed.
The organization is based on the following fundamental criteria:
The AF is a decentralized organization made up of individual members who form into groups based on location. We have no leaders or central decision-making body and the direction of the organization is decided upon by its members. Members come together regularly to develop theory, strategy and tactics through debate and discussion, aiming for participation of all members in decision-making such that effective consensus can be reached. Most decisions are made at Federal Delegate Meetings. Those who cannot attend these meetings can mandate any other member to act as their delegate to bring their positions to these meetings to ensure that their opinion is included.
Political Unity
The AF is based on a common set of aims and principles, with its structure detailed in the membership handbook. Before joining, a potential member must agree with the outlined aims and principles of the organization. In addition, we may adopt policies and analyses that are the result of discussion and elaboration by all the members. As these will be developed collectively, it is expected that they will reflect the views of the whole organization.
Members may propose changes to these structures, but it must be the result of a genuine change of view emerging from new ideas and experiences since their joining the organization. When an individual joins, it is expected that they join as a result of genuine agreement with the political and organizational principles of the AF. As membership is sponsored by a group or regional secretary it is their responsibility to ensure that new members fully understand these documents.
Tactical Unity
The AF seeks to act in a co-ordinated way, developing strategies and tactics through discussion and debate which members are expected to implement where appropriate.
Collective Responsibility and Solidarity
Members must not act so as to undermine the federation but instead must seek to support the federation in practice and show solidarity for other members.
Free Association and Autonomy
The individual does not subsume their identity into the collective. A member is one who has chosen to associate with others and retains their autonomy. If a member or group does not agree with policies, strategies or tactics adopted by the federation once they have become members, then they do not have to implement these decisions and may express their disagreement.
As anarchist communists we fight for a world without leaders, where power is shared equally amongst communities, and people are free to reach their full potential. We do this by supporting working class resistance to exploitation and oppression, organize alongside our neighbors and workmates, host informative events, and produce publications that help make sense of the world around us.